Download Jdk 7 On Mac Homebrew

05 Feb 2019

Download Jdk 7 On Mac Homebrew

3 JavaFX Installation for Mac OS X. This page provides information about the installing the JavaFX 2.2 SDK on Mac OS X. The JavaFX 2.2 SDK for Mac is installed as part of JDK 7 update 6 for Mac. This no longer works. I have Homebrew 2.7.1 running on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4 Using brew tap followed by brew install -cask from another comment apparently worked fine. – timurb Dec 29 '20 at 14:56. Download latest JDK from Oracle and install it, for me it was JDK 1.82. Java SE 7 Archive Downloads. Go to the Oracle Java Archive page. Thank you for downloading this release of the Java TM Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit (JDK TM).The JDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language.

MacOS has OpenJDK installed by default however I prefer to use Oracle’s versionof JDK because its the official version. I don’t want to install it the same wayOracle instructs it on their docs as I find it very tedious. I’m a guy who lovesautomating stuff so I prefer to install it via Homebrew. I frequently do a cleaninstall on my Mac every time there is a new version of OSX so I have to installJDK again and again. I’d rather just run a single installation script instead ofheading over to Oracle’s website and following their instructions.

Steps to install and configure the Oracle JDK:

Homebrew and Cask

Homebrew is a package manager for Mac and has always been my preferred way toinstall my command line tools because I can integrate it with my setup scripts.To install it I’ll run

then I’ll install Homebrew Cask which is an extension of Homebrew. It makesthe installation of large binaries and graphical applications simpler.

JDK Installation

Before I install the JDK, I’ll check first which version it will install bydefault. I’m very picky about the version because most of the time I just useJava for Android development. I also prefer the older and more stable version ofJDK so I run

which will output

This means that the latest version is JDK 11. I can install it now by running

but I prefer to install JDK 8 over 11 so instead I’ll run

Setup Java_HOME environment variable

Once installed, I will set the JAVA_HOME environment variable by editing my.bash_profile

and inserting this line

and applying these changes by running

Verifying Installation

Now to confirm if the installation was sucessful I’ll run this command.


If the installation is successful, its output would be similiar to this

This tells me that I have installed the Oracle version of the JDK. However ifthe output is like this

then I may have failed to install the JDK properly or the changes may not havebeen applied yet because I can see that OpenJDK is still being used. I’ll try tofix this by restarting my Mac then running “java -version” again.

Jdk Download Osx

Automating installation with a script

Below is a simple script to automate the installation of the latest Oracle JDK.

Download Jdk 7 On Mac Homebrew Pro

That’s it! Now you can automate your JDK installation on you Mac by running thescript.

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