Google Maps For Windows Ce 6.0 Download

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Google Maps For Windows Ce 6.0 Download 0 Download

Driving directions

Please follow the instructions to install or update the software.

Download an APK file that corresponds to the resolution of your device's display or an APK file marked 'suitable for screens with any resolution':


Extend your GPS with free maps This site shows you how to install additional software on your Windows CE, or Windows Mobile based GPS, even if it is not designed to be extended. MyBoot is a small tool which helps you to install and start additional software on your GPS, even if you do not have access to the Windows START button. Google Maps For Windows Ce 6 0 Free Download free download - FSS Google Maps Downloader, Getting Started: Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 6.0, Maps for LUMIA - Premium for Windows 10.

Google Maps For Windows Download

Download version 11.8.607, APK — for Android 4.4 and the next.
Download version 11.8.607, APK — for Huawei.
Download version 9.13.73, APK — for Android 4.0 - 4.3.

Windows CE Devices (car navigators)

Navitel Navigator Update Center is a tool that allows you to download updated software and maps (for computers running on Windows Vista or higher).
Use this tool only in case the program you want to update is running. If it is not possible to start the program on your device or the program has been deleted, follow the instructions to install the program manually.

To start the update process, download and install Navitel Navigator Update Center for Windows. Follow the steps described in the instruction.

Download Navitel Navigator Updater for PC (Windows OS), EXE
Download Navitel Navigator Updater for PC (macOS), PKG
Download Navitel Navigator Updater Manual, PDF

The following versions of Navitel Navigator for Windows CE are available:

Google Maps For Windows Ce 6.0 Download

  • STD_EXT_INET, ZIP - Version with support of online services for portable navigators without built-in memory and car audio units (registered with SD card number)
  • STD_EXT, ZIP - Version without support of online services for portable navigators without built-in memory and car audio units (registered with SD card number)
  • STD_INT_INET, ZIP - Version with support of online services for portable navigators with more than 2 GB built-in memory (registered with the device number)
  • STD_INT, ZIP - Version without support of online services for portable navigators with more than 2 GB built-in memory (registered with the device number)

Mapquest Driving Directions

You can download the program in App Store.

Navitel Monitoring

Version for mobile devices running on Android:
Download APK file.